manama council

Monday, January 30, 2006

Segregation of Asians slammed

HUMAN rights activists have slammed proposals to ban groups of bachelor Asian labourers from living in certain parts of Manama. The Migrant Workers Protection Society yesterday strongly condemned the move, which came from the Capital Municipality Council.
Councillors argued the law should be changed after several incidents in which Asian labourers are alleged to have assaulted children and caused discomfort to families.
The plan, which has not been finalised, aims to prevent groups of Asian labourers from living where there are large concentrations of families.
"Any measures restricting the freedom of where people can stay is a violation of basic human rights," said the MWPS in a statement.
"Countries that have previously had ghettos or apartheid policy have long since changed those inhumane policies and moved forward.
"Hard working labourers contribute to the development of the country.
"These Municipal councillors and all residents of Bahrain should appreciate the Asian labourers for all their hard work, which over the past several decades has contributed substantially to the development of the country.
"It is these Asian labourers who toil often for more than 12 hours a day in the hot sun, building roads and on construction sites, which in most cases have no safety measures as required by the Ministry of Labour Law."
The society argued councillors would be better spending their time enforcing laws of safety at work sites, ensuring proper accommodation with hygienic conditions for labourers and penalising those who flout the law.
The rules being drawn by the council plan to limit the number of people who can live in apartments or houses.
The proposals also state the property where they live must have at least 12 square metres of personal space and it will be up to landlords to ensure the rules are being met.


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