Council staff seek bonus
ADMINISTRATION employees at the country's five municipal councils are requesting a bonus in appreciation of their dedicated work over the past four years.
The general secretaries of the five councils are presenting their request to Municipalities and Agriculture Minister Ali Saleh Al Saleh on behalf of all 56 employees today.
It is hoped that the minister will oblige, seeing that both Shura Council and parliamentary administrative employees were awarded bonuses this year of BD350 and BD500 respectively.
"We are a small cadre and we have worked very hard over the last four years to serve these elected bodies," said Manama municipal council general secretary Jassim Redha Hussain.
The employees' main role is to organise and document meetings as well as act in liaisons with the various ministries.
Their duties also include the maintenance of six websites for the councils, the publication of five magazines and ten leaflets and brochures aimed at public awareness of social, health, and environmental issues as well as helping with local community projects and activities.
"We work non-stop all year, we don't get overtime, and we cannot afford to go on vacation because we are understaffed," said Mr Hussain.
"The councillors are all on holiday right now, but we are all still working, preparing for the next session.
"We can only afford to let one or two employees take off every year.
"We work hard because we believe in our cause and the reform process.
"This is service work that is very important to our nation, and we are only asking for a small reward."